Darkest dungeon skill guide
Darkest dungeon skill guide

The combination of Stress heals, support abilities, and Bleed-inflicting abilities make the Jester a formidable support character regardless of path. He's an incredibly mobile character, which makes him a natural pick for comps like dance comps that focus on being able to move between ranks flawlessly. Out of these, 3 of them are hero-specific and it's important to think about your desired team comp when picking your path.Īs noted, the Jester can perform well in any rank in your party but is most commonly found in the second or third rank. In Darkest Dungeon 2, every hero has 4 paths that they can choose from. In order to add Sarmenti to your team, you will need to unlock him at the Altar of Hope by spending candles. If you've just started playing the game, you'll only be able to use starter heroes like the Highwayman and the Grave Robber in your comps at first. He specializes in Stress heals and Bleed attacks alongside his support abilities, and has some interesting (and difficult) Shrine of Reflection mini-games that you'll need to beat in order to unlock his entire backstory and move set.

darkest dungeon skill guide

The Jester is mainly a support character that works well in any rank.

Darkest dungeon skill guide